As the demand for childcare continues to surge in Australia, the question arises: Can you work in childcare while studying? You’re likely weighing the possibility of launching your career alongside your academic growth or getting real industry experience alongside your certificates, diplomas, or bachelors. 

You can work in childcare while studying in Australia, depending on your employer and your area’s requirements. And while it can take up a bit of your time, choosing both an educational provider and employer that offers flexibility, can make it a rewarding experience.

The Reality Of Working In Childcare While Studying

Navigating a career in childcare while studying educational qualifications can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. Flexible schedules and part-time positions in childcare often make it possible to combine work and study. Furthermore, hands-on experience in the industry not only enhances your academic understanding but also provides a competitive edge in the job market.

Basic Qualifications Needed To Work In Childcare

Stepping into the world of childcare requires some basic qualifications, but don’t worry; it’s not as overwhelming as it might seem. A great starting point is obtaining your Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care. This nationally recognised certificate is like a golden ticket to various roles within childcare and EIM Training offers this course, tailored to equip you with both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience!

If you’re aiming for more senior roles, or you’ve already finished some previous studies, you’ll want to consider advancing to a Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care. A diploma deepens your understanding of child development, opens doors to leadership roles, and best of all, it’s also available at EIM Training.

Can You Work in Childcare Without Qualifications?

Depending on where you’re based in Australia, formal qualifications like a Certificate III or Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care are usually the industry standards for most childcare roles. While there can be limited positions available that may not require formal qualifications, these are often entry-level roles and may not offer long-term career growth.

It’s worth noting that Australian regulations typically necessitate some level of accredited training for individuals involved in childcare. In fact, without meeting these basic educational requirements, your opportunities within the sector are likely to be restricted. This is both to ensure the safety and well-being of the children and to maintain high standards of care and education in the industry.

Legal Requirements and Government Support

Before you begin working in childcare, certain legal prerequisites must be met depending on where you’re based. For example, if you’re working in childcare while studying in Queensland, this can include undergoing a Working With Children Check and obtaining a First Aid Certificate

For comprehensive information on these requirements, you can visit the official websites of the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment and the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority.

Benefits of Working in Childcare While Studying

Getting Hands-on Experience

Getting hands-on experience while you’re still studying gives you the best of both worlds. You’re not just learning from textbooks, but you’re also out there, understanding what it’s like in an actual childcare setting. Gaining industry experience isn’t just about helping you be better in your future positions, but about making you more employable too.

Building Connections in the Industry

When you’re working and studying at the same time, you also get to meet a lot of people in the industry. This can help you when you’re looking for a job or want to progress in your career.

Getting Better at Working in Childcare While Studying

Working in childcare while studying can be challenging. You’ll be working towards meeting assessment deadlines, while balancing the needs of your employer. That means, your plate can get full at times, and time management will need to be a strong suit. 

To help manage your priorities, deadlines, and stress, you can use a few tricks and tools, like:

  • Time-tracking apps
  • Reminders on your phone
  • Study planners
  • Your online calendar (so it syncs to all your devices)

At EIM Training, we know it’s a lot to handle, so we’ve designed our courses to help you manage these challenges. We offer flexible schedules, so you don’t have to stress too much about fitting everything in. Plus, our courses give you real-life experience in the childcare industry, so you’re getting practical skills to go along with the theory.

How EIM Training Can Help You Start Your Career In Childcare?

Balancing working in childcare while studying can be difficult, but also super rewarding. You’ll gain hands-on experience, formal qualifications, and connections to potential longterm employers. 

If you’re interested in getting started, EIM Training is dedicated to offering courses that equip you with the essential skills and practical experience to ensure you are not just qualified but truly job-ready. Your path to a fulfilling career in childcare starts here. For those looking to dive deeper, we encourage you to explore the comprehensive courses offered by EIM Training or contact us today for more information. 

A well-crafted childcare cover letter is your golden ticket to grab the attention of potential employers. It’s your chance to shine, offering a personalised snapshot of who you are, your passion for childcare, and the unique skills you bring to the table. More than just a formal obligation, your cover letter is an opportunity to go beyond the facts on your resume and to really connect with your future employer.

The Purpose of a Cover Letter in the Childcare Industry

While the resume showcases your qualifications and work history, a cover letter has a different yet equally important role. When applying for a childcare position, your childcare cover letter is your personal platform to highlight your enthusiasm and commitment to early childhood education. It’s where your professional persona intersects with your passion for nurturing and educating young minds.

The childcare industry values dedication, emotional intelligence, and an empathetic, caring nature as much as it does qualifications. Your cover letter is the perfect place to demonstrate these qualities. It allows you to delve deeper into your motivations for working in the childcare sector and express your passion for contributing to children’s growth and development. 

For example, you might share an anecdote about a particular experience that inspired you to choose this career path or discuss a unique teaching philosophy you’ve developed during your training or work experience.

These personalised insights can set you apart from other candidates. A well-written childcare cover letter gives employers a glimpse of what you bring beyond qualifications, making it an essential component of your application for a childcare position.

Essential Components of a Childcare Cover Letter

Crafting a compelling childcare cover letter requires a balanced mix of professional and personal information, showcasing not just your competence, but your commitment to childcare. Here’s a breakdown of the basic structure and key components:

  • Introduction: This is where you address the recipient (always try to find the hiring manager’s name) and specify the position you’re applying for. Aim for a compelling opening line that grabs attention and shows your enthusiasm for the role.
  • Why You’re Interested: Express your interest in the role and the childcare sector. This is the place to demonstrate your passion for working with children and your understanding of the organisation’s values and culture.
  • Relevant Skills and Experiences: Highlight your most relevant skills and qualifications that align with the job description. Share anecdotes from your work or training experiences that exemplify these skills.
  • Closing Paragraph: Reiterate your interest in the role, thank the reader for their time, and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity to discuss further in an interview.
  • Professional Closing: Sign off professionally with ‘Yours sincerely’ (if you know the hiring manager’s name) or ‘Yours faithfully’ (if you don’t), followed by your full name.

When it comes to a childcare cover letter, specific elements take on increased importance. Demonstration of soft skills, such as empathy, patience, and communication, is as crucial as highlighting your certifications or professional achievements. Remember, this is a people-centred industry. Your ability to connect, nurture, and inspire is just as vital as your technical skills and knowledge.

Moreover, personalising your cover letter to suit each specific role or organisation shows your genuine interest and initiative. Research the organisation, understand their ethos, and reflect this understanding in your letter. This effort can make your application stand out and give you a competitive edge.

Tips for Writing an Impressive Childcare Cover Letter

Crafting an impressive childcare cover letter is a crucial step towards landing your dream role. Here are some key steps and advice to ensure your cover letter shines:

Tailor Your Letter: Avoid generic statements. Tailor your cover letter for each application, making it relevant to the role and organisation. Mention why you’re attracted to the specific job and how your skills align with the job requirements.

Highlight Relevant Skills: Showcase the skills that make you a strong candidate for a childcare role. These can include soft skills like patience, creativity, communication skills, and problem-solving ability, as well as hard skills like early childhood education training, first aid certification, or experience with special needs children. Try to use numerical data to support your experience and skills where possible.

Tell a Story: Engage the reader with a short, relevant story or anecdote that highlights your passion for childcare and the unique qualities you bring. This adds a personal touch and helps the reader connect with you.

Be Professional Yet Personable: Maintain a professional tone but don’t shy away from letting your personality shine through. Remember, your ability to build relationships is a key asset in the childcare industry.

Proofread: Avoid spelling mistakes, typos, and grammatical errors. They can undermine your professionalism and attention to detail. Proofread your letter, use spell-check tools, and consider asking someone else to review it as well.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Being Too Long-Winded: A cover letter should be concise and focused. Aim for three to four paragraphs. Respect the reader’s time by making your points clearly and succinctly. Generally, a cover letter should be between 250 – 400 words

Repeating Your Resume: Don’t simply restate what’s in your resume. The cover letter should complement your resume by adding depth to the key points and introducing aspects of your personality and passion for childcare. 

Failing to Address the Hiring Manager: Whenever possible, find out the name of the hiring manager and address them directly. It shows initiative and respect.

By following these steps and avoiding common pitfalls, you can craft a childcare cover letter that captures attention, makes a strong impression, and paves the way to your next career move in the childcare industry.

Crafting a Convincing Childcare Cover Letter with No Experience

Starting your career in childcare can seem daunting when you lack direct experience, but don’t let this deter you. Everyone starts somewhere, and it’s entirely possible to craft a persuasive childcare cover letter even without extensive professional experience in the field. Here’s how:

Highlight Relevant Skills: Consider skills you’ve developed in other roles or life experiences that translate well into childcare. These can include teamwork, patience, creativity, problem-solving, communication, and leadership. Did you mentor a younger sibling, lead a youth group, or tutor in a volunteer role? These experiences are all relevant and showcase your potential.

Show Your Enthusiasm and Commitment: Enthusiasm for working with children and a commitment to their growth and development can be just as valuable as experience. Use your childcare cover letter to express your passion for the industry and your dedication to learning and growing in your new role.

Refer to Your Education and Training: If you’ve recently completed relevant training or education, such as an EIM Training childcare course, be sure to highlight this. Discuss what you learned and how it prepared you for working in childcare.

Mention Any Placement or Voluntary Experience: If you have undertaken any practical placement as part of your studies or have volunteered in a relevant setting, be sure to include this in your cover letter. Even if it wasn’t paid work, it still provided valuable experience.

Emphasise Your Soft Skills: Childcare involves more than just formal qualifications. Soft skills like empathy, communication, and problem-solving are highly valued. Provide examples that illustrate these skills in action.

Remember, everyone has to start somewhere, and a strong childcare cover letter can help to bridge the gap when you’re just starting out in the industry. Show potential employers your passion, commitment, and relevant skills, and you’ll be on your way to landing that first role in childcare.

Leveraging Your Childcare Cover Letter for Career Success with EIM Training

With childhood education jobs growing in demand, a well-crafted childcare cover letter is more than just a job application requirement – it’s a chance to tell your unique story. Use the opportunity to showcase your passion for childcare, and illustrate the skills and attributes that make you the perfect fit for the role. From standing out as a first-time applicant to advancing your career in childcare, a strong cover letter can unlock numerous opportunities in this rewarding sector.

If you’re interested in or looking to take the next step in your childcare career, explore our range of childcare courses at EIM Training. Not only will you gain industry-recognised qualifications, but you’ll also develop the confidence to articulate your value in a compelling cover letter and beyond.

Looking for a new career path that offers a range of benefits that is currently in demand? Early childhood education in Australia has witnessed a steady rise in recognition and demand over the last few years. This sector plays an instrumental role in shaping young minds and laying strong educational foundations. And, as it turns out, the need for skilled, passionate early childhood educators is only expected to grow.

The Demand for Early Childhood Education in Australia

According to Labour Market Insights, there’s expected to be a whopping 21.6% increase in early childhood educators by 2026. These numbers reveal a strong, growing demand for professionals in this sector. Why is this, you ask? There are several reasons behind the surge.

Firstly, our understanding of the importance of early childhood education has evolved tremendously over the years. Research consistently demonstrates the positive long-term effects of quality early learning on a child’s cognitive and social development. As a result, more parents are seeking high-quality early childhood education for their children.

Secondly, the Australian Government has also recognised the value of early childhood education, implementing policies to make quality early childhood education more accessible. This includes subsidised preschool programs and funding for professional development in the sector.

Lastly, with an increase in dual-income households in Australia, and the returning to office post-pandemic, the reliance on early childhood services has grown, further fuelling the demand for qualified early childhood educators.

The Importance and Benefits of Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education plays a crucial role in a child’s development. These formative years are a period of rapid growth and learning, setting the stage for future academic, social, and emotional success. In fact, research shows that children who receive quality early childhood education are more likely to do well in school, have better social skills, and exhibit fewer behavioural problems.

The benefits, however, extend far beyond the classroom. Early childhood education is a cornerstone for a thriving society. It cultivates a generation of well-rounded individuals who contribute positively to the community.

Working in the early childhood education sector also comes with its own set of rewarding aspects. There’s the gratification of influencing a child’s growth and development, the joy of fostering a love for learning, and the chance to make a real difference in young lives.

Pros of Working in Early Childhood Care

The career opportunities in early childhood care are as diverse as they are rewarding. With the sector booming in Australia, there’s a vast range of roles you can explore. These include early childhood teacher, daycare centre director, family day care educator, and more.

Along with a wealth of opportunities, working in early childhood care also offers the satisfaction of playing a key role in a child’s life. You’ll be shaping minds, inspiring creativity, and building the leaders of tomorrow.

Moreover, there’s a strong sense of job security in this sector. The increasing demand for early childhood education professionals means more job openings and career stability. The future of early childhood care looks bright, and those entering the field can expect a fulfilling and secure career.

Challenges in Early Childhood Education and How to Overcome Them

Despite the many rewards, working in early childhood education can come with its share of challenges. Educators often grapple with maintaining a balance between providing care and fostering educational growth. Additionally, meeting the individual needs of each child while managing group dynamics can be a complex task.

However, these challenges aren’t all encompassing. Strategies such as continual professional development, staying updated with the latest educational research, and nurturing strong communication lines with parents can help overcome these hurdles. Moreover, a supportive and resourceful professional community can make a world of difference.

Kick-start Your Career in Early Childhood Education with EIM Training

EIM Training offers comprehensive childcare courses, including the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care and the Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care. Our courses align perfectly with the industry’s needs and are tailored to equip you with the skills to excel in this growing field.

At EIM Training, we don’t just teach you the theoretical aspects; we prepare you for the real world. Our trainers are industry professionals who provide insight into both the rewards and challenges of the field.

Explore our childcare courses today and take the first step towards your new career in early childhood education. We can’t wait to help you fulfil your potential and achieve your career goals. Start your journey with us now!

Childcare can be a highly rewarding field to study and start your career in, but the interview process can be quite daunting. There are certain steps you can take to prepare for a childcare interview in Australia and make a great impression on potential employers, including learning the common childcare interview questions, how to answer them, and what to bring with you to your interview.

What to bring to an interview in childcare and how to prepare

Research the child care centre

Look up the child care centre’s website, mission statement, and values. Familiarise yourself with their policies and procedures and take note of any unique features or programs they offer. If they follow a certain educational style in their centre, such as Montessori or Reggio, you can ask questions about how they apply it in each room or age group.

Review your qualifications and experience

Make sure you have a clear understanding of your qualifications and experience, as well as how they align with the position and the needs of the child care centre. Do you have an up-to-date blue card? Is your qualification in childcare suited to the role?

Carefully read through the job description and requirements and make sure you are clear on what the role entails. Take note of any specific skills or qualifications that are required and be prepared to discuss how you meet those requirements.

Prepare answers to common interview questions

Practice answering common childcare interview questions and personalise them to your own experiences. Try to give specific examples of your qualifications and time spent in childcare settings, and think about how you can demonstrate your ability to handle difficult situations and support the growth and development of children.

Understand the regulations and legislation 

Understand the regulatory and legislative requirements for working in the child care industry in Australia, such as the National Quality Framework and the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). Knowing and familiarising yourself with these will help show your interviewers your commitment and knowledge in the field, as well as your interest in developing your skills.

Prepare any materials you may need: 

Some childcare centres may ask you to bring along a portfolio of your work or specific examples of lesson plans or activities you have created. Be sure to have any materials you may need with you for the interview. Be cautious as to not share confidential information of previous employers or children you’ve worked with.

Dress professionally

It’s important to dress professionally for your interview and make a good first impression. 

Be prepared to ask questions 

Prepare some questions to ask your interviewers about the centre, the role, and their expectations for the position. This will show your interest and enthusiasm for the job and align with the centre’s expectations.

What common childcare interview questions could you be asked?

It’s important to highlight your relevant qualifications in childcare courses, such as a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care or a Cert III in Early Childhood Education and Care, as well as any relevant experience you have working with children.

Many childhood courses offer hands-on experience in childcare centres, which you can mention to help demonstrate how you’ve applied your learning in the past.

This is an opportunity to express your passion for working with children and your enthusiasm for making a positive impact on their development.

You can explain why you chose childcare as a career, and why the centre your applying for is appealing to you.

This question is meant to gauge your problem-solving skills and ability to stay calm under pressure. It’s important to provide a specific example and explain the steps you took to address the situation.

This question explores your ability to manage challenging behaviour, which can happen with any age group. Emphasise positive reinforcement, active listening, and being consistent with rules.

This question will measure your ability to design engaging and developmentally appropriate activities for children. It’s important to mention the importance of different types of play and learning, and the balance between activities.

You can study your area’s current resources, such as the EYLF, to find relevant information that you can reference.

This question is meant to gauge your knowledge and understanding of inclusion and diversity, and how you would apply it to an early childhood setting. 

Be honest, and emphasise your understanding of the importance of respecting and valuing each child as an individual, regardless of their background or abilities. You might like to give examples of activities you’d encourage children to take part in to include everyone, or how you would handle a situation where children aren’t being included in activities.

Effectively communicating with parents is very important in early childhood education as they’re trusting you with their child’s education and care. Emphasise your openness and willingness to communicate regularly and proactively with parents to ensure the best outcomes for their children.

Questions you can ask during your interview

Asking about daily responsibilities will help you understand what you’ll be expected to do on a day-to-day basis, and whether the role aligns with your skills and experience. Remember, an interview for a position in childcare isn’t just about securing your position, but finding out whether the centre is a good fit for you.

This will give you insight into the bigger picture of how the role you’re interviewing for fits into the organisation’s mission, and it also allows you to understand the organisation’s priorities. This will also help to understand your expected responsibilities if chosen to fill the role.

More than demonstrating that you’re keen to keep learning and growing, this will help you understand the centre’s commitment to helping their staff to grow and improve. If developing your professional career in childcare is important, this question will be as well.

This will give you an idea of how the centre handles the requirements of the National Quality Framework, Early Years Learning Framework and other legislation specific to the centre and the location. You can ask about the centre’s latest assessment and rating process, as well as how they expect staff to prepare.

Practising for an interview for a childcare centre

Practising for an interview can help you feel more prepared and confident on the day of the interview. You can prepare your responses to common childcare interview questions and invite a friend or family member to roleplay with you to practice. Find additional childcare and study resources to explore and learn.

And remember, the most important thing is to be yourself, speak with confidence and show your enthusiasm for the role and the centre. If you’re excited about the opportunity, be honest, and give it your best!

Is childcare a good career?

Early childhood education can be one of the most important and rewarding jobs a person can have. 

It is a demanding industry that is often underestimated. Many people believe childcare is simply about looking after children, but it is so much more than that. Childcare workers are responsible for the safety and well-being of children in their care, as well as their development as individuals in both social and educational aspects. 

They need to have a deep understanding of child development, as well as being capable of dealing with different situations that may arise. In addition, they need to be able to provide emotional support to both children and parents. 

And while it is a demanding job, it is also an extremely rewarding one. Seeing the children in your care grow and develop can be an incredible feeling, and knowing that you have played a part in their journey is truly gratifying. 

If you are considering a career in childcare, then know that you will be making a difference in the lives of the children in your care.

Why choose childcare as a career

You can make a real difference in a child’s early development and life

Childcare is a field with plenty of opportunities to make a real difference in a child’s early development and life. Childcare workers can provide the care and attention that children need during their formative years, helping them to develop physically, emotionally, and cognitively.

Childcare workers can also play an important role in promoting positive social and interpersonal skills. By interacting with children on a daily basis, childcare workers can help them to learn how to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts peacefully, and cooperate with others.

Childcare can be a flexible career

Childcare can offer a lot of flexibility, as you can choose to work in a range of different settings, including schools, nurseries, and childcare centres. 

You can also choose to work part-time or full-time, depending on your availability and your employer’s requirements. And, depending on your contract, childcare jobs offer paid holidays and vacation days. 

There is a growing demand for childcare workers

According to Labour Market Insights, growth in demand for childcare workers has continually grown historically. Additionally, prospects remain positive with an estimated 5.9% future growth. This is due to a number of factors, including the increasing number of families with young children and the growing importance of early childhood education. As a result, there are reliable job prospects for childcare workers.

Childcare is an interesting and varied job

Working with children can be both fun and rewarding. Every day is different, and you never know what might happen. You might find yourself getting messy with paints or playing tag with a group of kids. Or you might spend the day helping a child who needs some extra support. 

No matter what, you’ll always have the opportunity to help children learn and grow. And at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about. So if you’re looking for a job that’s both fun and meaningful, working with children in early childhood education is a great choice.

Opportunities for career progression

In recent years, the childcare industry has undergone rapid changes, and today it provides opportunities for career progression that weren’t available in the past. For example, many childcare facilities now offer long-term career paths that allow employees to move up into management positions. 

In addition, there are a growing number of specialised childcare programs that provide employees with the opportunity to further their education and training. As a result, the childcare industry is an increasingly attractive option for those looking for a stable career with good potential for advancement.

How to start a career in childcare

If you want to start a career in childcare, there are a few things you need to do. First, you need to attain relevant qualifications, such as a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care or a more advanced Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care. You’ll also need to complete your required hours of work placement. With a registered training provider, like EIM, the hours and placement will be organised for you. 

Depending on your employer, you may need to have a background check and hold any related first-aid training for the setting you’ll be working in. Queensland childcare workers must carry a Blue Card which verifies their eligibility to work with children.

If you’re wondering what a blue card is and how to apply, or you’re unsure of what qualifications you may need for a career or specific role you’re interested in, please contact us for advice or submit a course enquiry.

Why study childcare

If you love working with kids and want to make a real difference in their lives, then studying childcare could be the right choice for you. Studying a childcare qualification can provide you with an advanced understanding of planning, implementing, and managing programs in Early Childhood services. 

With one of our courses, you will develop a working knowledge of current regulations and laws within Australian childcare services, and learn about different methods and approaches in teaching. Then, you will learn how to adapt them to meet the needs of individual children’s needs and learning styles, applying your theoretical knowledge in particle situations. And with EIM’s tips on how to manage your studies and support for each student who learns with us, studying will be a breeze.

So, if you’re passionate about working with children and making a positive impact in their lives, studying childcare will help give you invaluable skills and knowledge to apply yourself, helping you begin your career.

Take a look through available childcare courses for domestic and international students, and submit a course enquiry to begin your application. Or, if you’re unsure of which course is relevant to your aspirations and career goals, feel free to contact our friendly team for guidance.

To work or volunteer in regulated child-related employment or operate a regulated child-related business in Queensland, you will need a blue card or exemption card.

What is a blue card?

A blue card is a process that is undertaken by anyone who wishes to work with children. It is similar to a police check but has additional screening standards to ensure child safety.

Thus, a blue card is required for our students who enrol in Early Childhood Education and Care courses, as vocational placement is included as a component of the qualification.

How to apply for a blue card

Check your eligibility

To help ensure the safety of children and young people in Queensland, the blue card system stops certain people from holding or applying for a blue card.
Who cannot apply for or hold a blue card:

  • Disqualifying offences – To help keep Queensland children safe, some people are disqualified from applying for or holding a blue card.
  • Serious offences – If you are charged with a serious offence, your blue card application will immediately be withdrawn.

Prove your identity

You will need a Customer Reference Number (CRN) from the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) before you apply for your blue or exemption card to prove your identity. You can find your CRN on any TMR product.
The photo from your TMR product will be for your blue card. If your photo with TMR was taken more than 6 years and 9 months ago, you will need to have a new photo taken at a TMR customer service centre.

If you don’t have a CRN, or your photo has expired, you will need to visit a TMR customer service centre to get one. If you are unable to visit TMR or live interstate you can still apply for a CRN from them.
There is no fee to get a CRN or have your photo updated.

Getting a CRN

Take your acceptable identity documents to a TMR customer service centre to prove your identity
ask the TMR staff to take your photo.

When you have done this, you will need to wait for the CRN confirmation letter/email. When the confirmation arrives, keep it in a safe place as you will need the CRN to register for an online account to apply for your blue card.
More details about acceptable identity documents:


To apply for a blue or exemption card, follow these 3 steps.

  1. Have your CRN nearby to reference.
  2. Register for an online account. This is how we verify your identity and get the photo for your card.
  3. Apply for your blue or exemption card using the online applicant portal or download the paper form.

Click here:

How long does a blue card last?

A blue card is generally valid for three years. This duration applies from the date of issue unless it is cancelled earlier due to certain circumstances like changes in criminal history.

It’s crucial to note that Blue Card Services in Queensland sends a renewal reminder to cardholders approximately 10 weeks before their blue card is due to expire, as the renewal process must be completed before the current card expires to ensure continuous validity.

However, the expiry date is not the only factor that could impact the duration of your blue card’s validity. If you cease to carry out the regulated activities (like working in a childcare role) for more than eight continuous weeks, Blue Card Services must be notified, and your blue card may no longer be valid.

While a blue card typically lasts for three years, it’s crucial to stay informed about the terms and conditions associated with its validity to ensure you’re always in compliance with Queensland’s child safety laws. If you have any further questions about the blue card system, contact our EIM Training team for assistance.

Source link:


The child care industry in Australia is booming.

According to the Australian Government’s Job Outlook service, the child care industry is experiencing very strong growth with around 184,000 job openings expected over the next five years.

EIM Training CEO Michelle Bottrall told myGC there’s never been a better time to study Childcare Education and Care.

“I am proud to say that at the moment 100 per cent of our students are actually in paid work, most of them while they are still studying, which is a pretty massive achievement,” she said.

Ms Bottrall said EIM Training offers a different study approach to other providers.

“When you come here, you get a much more personalised touch. We have a classroom model, where the students will learn the theory in a classroom, but we don’t just stop there,” she said.

“They actually gain the skills in our simulated classrooms so that before they go into industry, they are going to have a lot more confidence and a lot more preparation for what they need to do when they are connected with industry.

“We are a bit different in that we guarantee vocational placement. Every student has to accumulate a certain amount of hours to be able to complete their qualification. We secure that for them and it is guaranteed.”

Ms Bottrall told myGC there are also great government subsidies available to students at the moment, as well as flexible study options.

“On top of that, we also offer great pastoral care. If you are stepping out into your career for the first time, or you’re unsure about how things are going to go, our facility will provide you with that one-on-one absolute care and support that you’ll need to get through to get you that career and outcome,” she said.

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